What a year it’s been! Haynes Family of Programs and David & Margaret Youth and Family Services have merged and together represent nearly 200 years of combined service. That rich history and impact on more than 100,000 children and families is because of your generosity.
I am proud to share what we’ve accomplished this year thanks to your support:
Safe at Home: Housing through COMPASS Programs and direct services at the Youth Drop-In Center were provided to more than 50 transition-age foster youth who, through no fault of their own, face imminent homelessness without David & Margaret Youth and Family Services.
Free from harm: The LeRoy Haynes Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program was home to 70 male foster youth. For many of our boys and teens it was their first time experiencing holistic care and in a supportive family environment.
Forever Families: With a child entering foster care every two minutes, David & Margaret’s Foster Family and Adoption Services fulfilled childhood dreams of living in a loving home for 68 children desperately in need of nurturing.
Dignity of Work: The Store@David & Margaret and Dave & Maggie’s Café provided part-time paid work experience for foster youth and transition age youth helping them develop marketable retail and customer services skills. The Store is a community resource offering brand-name staples and other goods at deeply discounted prices. Dave and Maggie’s Café will reopen to the public in early 2022, providing additional paid internships for our youth.
The Wonder Years: We welcomed students back to campus and celebrated high school seniors who successfully met state graduation requirements at in-person commencement ceremonies for Renaissance Community Prep and Joan Macy School, both now located on the David & Margaret campus. During the 2020-2021 academic year 185 students were enrolled in the special education school programs.
Increased Understanding: Bliss Academy, School for Autism & Developmental Disabilities, at Haynes provided virtual and in-person instruction for 160 boys and girls during the 2020-2021 school year. The specialized curriculum included embedded behavior supports and strategies specific to each student’s individual educational needs.
Learning to Thrive: More than 3,000 students throughout the State of California received academic, transitional and/or behavioral services in their home, school, or hospital through Haynes’ STAR Academy.
Strengthened Well-Being: Community Mental Health and the Wraparound Program provided in-person and telehealth therapeutic support to 152 youth living in the community and 42 foster youth in support of sustaining a successful return to home or placement with a foster family.
Creative Solutions: In its second year, Haynes’ Trauma-informed Arts Enrichment Program benefitted a cohort of 74 girls, boys, and teens. Using art, participants are learning to focus on the present, increase their ability to identify their emotional responses and triggers, improve their self-image with positive reinforcement and freedom of expression, and practice emotional and impulse regulation within an experiential and safe place.
As we work together to forge a better future for our youth and community, we ask for your support. Please know that every donation, no matter the size, directly benefits the children and youth in our care.
What we’ve accomplished this year is inspiring and highly relevant. As we plan for the coming year, our goal is to greatly amplify the scope and sustainability of our impact on children and families. Please help us by making your year-end gift today.
Today, tomorrow, together we are making an appreciable difference in the lives of children, teens, and young adults.
Happy New Year!
Daniel S. Maydeck
President and Chief Executive Officer