The Greenblatts have three biological children ages 9,10, and 14 and two children ages 11, and 18 who were brought into their family through foster care.
As active foster parents at David & Margaret for the last 10 years they have opened their home to many youth.
Their eldest daughter, Elizabeth, came to them at age 12 with emotional trauma created by her previous situation. Elizabeth required Treatment Foster Care also known as Therapeutic Foster Care, which is more intense and specializes in children and adolescents with significant emotion, behavioral, or social issues or medical needs.
Mr. and Mrs. Greenblatt were dedicated to providing Liz with every resource available to help her recover and thrive. They also truly valued, supported and loved her.
Elizabeth flourished in the Greenblatt household. She was able to expand her extra curriculars and grew to share their love of sports, especially soccer. She graduated high school and is currently attending college and working part-time while living at home.
Though she is 18 and no longer in foster care she is still a member of the family.
The Greenblatts manage to work and support their children, actively participate in their sports, and make sure they are all living their best life.
Recently, the Greenblatts had a foster placement who was able to successfully reunite with her bio-family. They were elated for their foster child, despite their loss.
When approached by D&M staff regarding another placement, they said no. Unsure if they were ready to open their heart and home to another child. Nevertheless they discussed it as a family and changed their mind, coming back saying YES.
The newest member of their family is an 11 year old girl. Like her older sister, she came to them needing a higher level of care and they have been able to provide her with the required services helping her grow, heal, and succeed.
This family of seven is looking forward to a productive, exciting, and sporty new year; ready to conquer every challenge thrown their way!