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COMPASS Programs Update

In the last six months, COMPASS Programs has seen a huge boost in participation following the easing of some COVID restrictions and adapting to best serve the needs of the young adults in the program. With new ways to participate in learning life skills, social events coming back to COMPASS Point, and a boom of new participants, COMPASS Programs supports more youth in more ways than ever.

One area of growth seen at COMPASS Programs has been with the delivery of life skills training. Participants in the Transitional Housing Program (THP) are required to complete between two to four hours of life skills training per month. Pre-COVID, sessions were held weekly at COMPASS Point for young adults to attend to fulfill their requirements. During the pandemic, COMPASS had to adapt to delivering these services online. In July, COMPASS unveiled a new life skills method using Canvas, a tool used by many high schools and colleges where learning materials can be stored and organized, quizzes can be made, and data can be tracked. This tool not only makes accessing content easier for COMPASS participants, who can access the material at any time through their phones or computers, but also for the program to see their progress more efficiently. Now that the center is open again, the young adults have the option to complete their life skills hours in whichever way suits them best, in-person or online.

Social events are happening once again in the center! Since offering in-person services again in April, there has been an increase of 180% in program participation. At least once a month, COMPASS Point hosts an event in the center where food is served and movies are played on the big screen TV in the living room. The events range from educational, to cultural, to casual opportunities to socialize with peers. So far, the most popular event was our Health and Safety Event in June where all attendees went home with a gift bag full of health and safety-related items like masks, toothbrushes, a healthy cookbook, and a card full of important phone numbers to have on hand. To see more from this event, check out the COMPASS Instagram page @COMPASSPointCenter!

The area where COMPASS Programs has seen the most growth has been in Housing Support. There has been a surge in housing support provided through COMPASS as the program increased the number of applicants accepted by acquiring four new leases with nine beds to fill. COMPASS Program’s holistic approach to wellness and physical service-delivery center attracts young adults to apply because they will be supported by a program that adapts to serve their needs and support their goals. Social events, the COMPASS Training Program, Resource Fairs, and the center are special features to COMPASS that set the program apart from others. Uniquely, COMPASS was able to offer in-person case management throughout the COVID-19 restrictions because of the COMPASS Point center and the policies implemented to prioritize health and safety, like mask-wearing, social distancing, temperature checks, and sanitization stations. As the pandemic is ongoing, COMPASS will continue to adapt to put the safety of staff and participants at the forefront of everything we do while implementing new and creative ways to increase engagement.

We are honored to serve young adults in the community and will continue to adapt as we grow. As more youth join the program, engagement will continue to increase, ultimately benefitting the young adults at COMPASS on their journey to independent adulthood. To stay updated with COMPASS Programs, subscribe to our monthly newsletter where we highlight community partners, success stories, and the work we do to serve transitional aged youth!

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