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Miles' Milestone

Miles came to the D&M Transitional Housing Program (THP) in March of 2019. He was eager to make changes in his life but really didn’t know where to start or who could help him. Fortunately for Miles, he found the Transitional Housing Program at D&M. The staff at D&M saw an eager young man and were happy to support him in his journey. The THP program provides an apartment with a roommate to help young adults by providing a stable living environment. These apartments are based throughout the community to help participants integrate. The THP program also provides regular meetings with a social worker and other supportive staff as needed to ensure participants can access the tools they need to thrive.

Once Miles was settled into his apartment he was eager to find a job and start his adult life. He met with his social worker and discussed his goals and made a plan. His social worker introduced him to the David & Margaret Employment Specialist who provide coaching and the tools for Miles to hone the skills need to be ready to get a job. As a result of his hard work and solo through Miles was hired full-time at a gas station. Miles’ confidence and bank account have grown as a result of his first full-time job. Miles continues to build on his success and is now working with his social worker on a plan to enroll in community College. He is considering several vocational tracks and taking the time to make sure he chooses wisely.  When asked about Miles, his social worker had this to say “ Miles’ hard work throughout his time in the program is shown by always being punctual when it comes to weekly sessions and showing determination through his work. He is not only capable of living independently, but is exceptional when it comes to making his needs known to the David and Margaret staff. I am very proud of all he has accomplished.”

Make no mistake these accomplishments are huge for Miles! He has gone from being unhoused and unemployed to a young man preparing to go to college and build a successful career for himself. Miles is a contributing and valued member of our community! We can’t wait to see all that he accomplishes!

If you would like to learn more about David & Margaret’s Transitional Housing Program please see our website.

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