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Supporting Your Child's Journey to Mental Wellness

Candace is her son’s number one advocate. She noticed he was exhibiting signs of severe anxiety and was expressing himself through physical violence. His behavior continued to worsen and she felt she needed more support for her son. While looking for local resources, she discovered David & Margaret’s Mental Health Program. She reached out to the office and a date was set for her son, Joseph, to meet with a specialist for an intake appointment. It was determined that Joseph was struggling with his mental health due to past traumatic experiences. His new team of therapists, along with Candace, worked together to create a plan to best support Joseph. 

Initially, he was afraid to participate in the sessions, which is not uncommon for younger children. But with consistent, supportive engagement from his  David & Margaret therapists, and encouragement from his mother, they were able to form a trusting relationship and he soon felt comfortable enough to open up. 

He has now been in David & Margaret’s program for nine months and receives weekly individual, family, and behavioral therapy. In this time his behavior and temperament has drastically improved. He has become less anxious and is able to self-regulate using breathing techniques and other exercises. Learning how to verbalize his feelings has been his biggest achievement so far.

This progress would not have been possible without the combined efforts of Joseph, his therapeutic team, and his mother, Candace. From the beginning she was eager to learn new ways to support her son. She utilized the techniques shared during family therapy sessions and integrating the exercises into their daily lives. His treatment is not yet complete, but he is well on his way to a lifetime of mental wellness. Joseph is proud of his progress as is his mother and his entire team at David & Margaret. 

Studies show over 20% of youth in the United States will witness or experience a traumatic event before the age of four, and 60% by the age of 16. Of those youth, less than half will ever receive proper treatment. These events can cause life-long problems, affecting brain response, hormonal systems, and even the immune system; leading to a life of limited opportunities and constant struggle. Professional intervention can help manage symptoms and protect overall quality-of-life.

If you, your child, or a loved one are struggling with mental health issues, the best thing to do is seek professional assistance. David & Margaret provides mental health services to Medi-Cal eligible youth and children and is currently offering both in-person and tele-health appointments. Our team of trained, caring professionals are here to support you on the journey to mental wellness. Call (909) 596-5921 x3510 and get started today. To learn more please visit



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