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An Interview with Ana Dominguez; Foster Care and Adoption Trainer/Recruiter

A little bit about Ana. 
“I actually completed my internship with the FFA back when I was at the University of La Verne. It was a Bachelor's level, only 100 hours or so, but that is how I found out about David & Margaret. After Grad School, I looked back into David & Margaret for a job. Now I’ve been with D&M for 8 years and 6 with the FFA (Foster Care and Adoption Agency).”

What do you enjoy most about working at David & Margaret? 
“I think the opportunity to grow. I feel that because it’s a non-profit you kind of wear many hats. I am the recruiter/trainer with the FFA (Foster Care and Adoption Agency) but I do some of the social-work piece as well as helping in any other areas of need. It’s a great experience."

If you could learn anything what would it be and why? 
“Relating to the FFA- I would like to learn more about the social-work piece, definitely."

Who are your role models and why? 
“I don’t think I necessarily have a role model, except my parents.” 

When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up and why? 
“I think my choice of career changed quite often. I know I wanted to be a teacher at one point. Then I wanted to be an astronaut and an architect. I was kind of all over the place.”

Do you have a saying or motto you live by? 
“Help yourself and God will help you within that process.” 

*Bonus Question*

Do you have any self-care tips for the Safer-at-Home order? 
“I think you need to find some sort of hobby or activity that brings you peace of mind, whatever  that activity may be.” 

Interested in becoming a foster parent? Click here for more!

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